Vital Source CBD Oil That is, there is an inherited genetic predisposition to which other environmental, gender, age or epigenetic factors are added. The main factors that can trigger Psoriasis both initially and in the worsening of the disease are: Bacterial, viral infections and those caused by fungi. Certain drugs or the withdrawal of treatments with corticoids. Injuries, wounds, scrapes or even injuries caused by sun exposure. Dietary factors High alcohol consumption. Psychological factors such as stress and anxiety. Climatic factors. In cold regions, the incidence of cases is much higher. Endocrine factors the most common symptoms of Psoriasis are redness of the skin, scales, irritation, and pain, appearance of wounds, thickened nails and in the most severe cases, inflammation and stiffness in the joints. This last symptom is the most serious and disabling, appears in some advanced cases and causes psoriatic arthritis. This condition produces inflammation of the joints, which reduces mobility and causes severe pain. Psoriasis Types of Psoriasis The morphological differences of the lesions will serve to classify the types of Psoriasis: Psoriasis in plaques: It is the most common and is characterized by the appearance of symmetric plates of varying size. They are located throughout the skin, but with special incidence in knees, elbows, back and scalp. With time, the plates end up extending through the thorax and extremities. Psoriasis in drops: It is characterized by the appearance of small spots of less than one centimeter located mainly in the chest. It occurs mostly in young patients and usually disappears after a few months. Erythrodermic psoriasis: Generalized injuries distributed throughout the body that can cause fever and other problems such as leukocytosis or electrolyte imbalances. Pustule psoriasis: It is a rare variant of the disease and appears in patients with other types of psoriasis. It can be generalized or localized in some points such as hands, feet or fingertips. It is characterized by the confluence of psoriatic plaques in small pustules that dry quickly and disappear to sprout again in different places.
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