As Viacen is a Viacen Male Enhancement which is made using natural ingredients that have been used for ages by different cultures around the world and are also scientifically tested, hence, it is safe to say that it possesses no side effects. When you consume it, it will only work to improve your libido and give you the strength and ability to make love with greater intensity and all night long. Another great thing about this male enhancement supplement is that it is easy to incorporate into your health regime and even easier to consume. to gain its maximum benefits, you should consume two pills of Viacen, one in the morning and one at night. Alongside its consumption, you should maintain a healthy lifestyle, eat nutritious food and try to abstain from smoking, drugs and alcohol. You will start to see its results in a matter of 2 to 4 weeks but you should consume it for at least 2 to 3 months.